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Welcome to Race to Tigerland!

We are glad to have you on-board.

Check out our FAQs below to know more about the Race.

In case of any query that’s not listed here write to us at

Our customer service team will get back to you within the next 24-48hrs of your query.



1.What is Race to Tigerland, powered by Stepathlon?

 Race to Tigerland, powered by Stepathlon, is a 30 Day individual fitness challenge.

The free, virtual race officially begins on 8th February 2023 and encourages participants of any age or fitness level to exercise and adopt a healthier lifestyle by getting outside and being active over a 30 day period. 

You can walk, jog, or run to accumulate their steps using the Stepathlon platform and log them via smartphones or other compatible devices. As you virtually race around the globe and compete with fans all over the world for the chance to win hundreds of prizes and money-can’t-buy experiences.

Download the Race to Tigerland App from Play Store or App Store and get moving.

2. What is the name of the App?

‘Race to Tigerland’ App is available to download on App Store (for iOS users) and Play Store (for Android users)

App Store:

Play Store :

3. What is the registration duration for Race to Tigerland?

The registration period for the Race begins on 20th December 2022 and ends on 9th March 2023.

4. What is the Race duration for Race to Tigerland?

The Race to Tigerland is a 30 day Individual fitness challenge, starts on 8th February 2023 and ends on 9th March 2023.


5. Is this a Physical Race? Where does the Race start and finish?

Race to Tigerland is a virtual race, which means you can take part from wherever you live.

6. Do I have to travel as part of the race?

No. It’s a virtual race, which means you can take part from wherever you are.

7. What is a ‘virtual’ Race?

Race to Tigerland is a ‘Virtual Race’, which means you can take part from wherever you are in the world and engage with us online through the App. You track your steps on your smartphone or any other compatible device and log your steps into the Race to Tigerland App to compete with other users. As you move ahead you will unlock locations and trivia about the locations. Remember the Racecourse is virtual, but the activity is real.



1. Is the Race only for Richmond FC fans?

No, you don’t have to be a Richmond FC fan to take part in the Race. Anyone across the globe can take part in this Race.


2. What is the age limit to participate in the Race?

The minimum age limit to participate in the Race is 18 years. There is no maximum limit. If you are above 55 years of age, we recommend you consult your physician before participating in the Race.


3. What is the duration of the Race?

Race to Tigerland is a 30 Day Fitness Challenge from 8th February 2023 to 9th March 2023.


4.What is the sign-up fee for the Race?

Race to Tigerland is free for all the participants.


5. Where do I sign up for the Race?

Please download the Race to Tigerland App from Play store (Android Users) and App store (iOS Users) and sign up. You can choose any of the below options to sign up.

Sign up using an Email ID.

Sign up using your Google Account.

Sign up using Apple ID.


6. Can I sign up from the website?

No, you can only sign up using the 'Race to Tigerland’ App from App Store or Play Store.

7. I have signed up for the Race. What’s next?

Login to the App and start stacking up on your ‘Step Points’. You can collect ‘Step Points’ by uploading photo, videos, blogs and sharing comments on the Newsfeed. Participate in our on-going contests and challenges. Unlock virtual achievements and answer the daily quiz.

You can also follow us on social media to engage with us and win exciting prizes.





8. Who chooses the winners for the competition?

The choice of winners is at the discretion of the Race to Tigerland team. The more you engage, the higher are your chances of winning.

9. What if we want to quit midway?

If you quit midway, you will lose out the chance to win the Grand Prize and other exciting weekly prizes. We want you to achieve your fitness goals with us. Push harder!


Login, Connect & Sync

 1. I’ve downloaded the Race to Tigerland App and logged in. Why can’t I submit my steps?

The Race to Tigerland officially begins on 8th February 2023. The Step tracker and Leader board will be activated on 8th February 2023.

2. Which smartphones are compatible with the App?

Almost all Android and Apple phones are compatible with the App.

Please note: Some of the features of the Race to Tigerland App will not work on certain mobile devices, for e.g., iPhone 5 and below, Samsung Note 2, and other older phone models.

3. How do I connect to Step App and sync and submit my Step Count if I am using my smartphone?

 Before the Race begins – 20th December 2022 – 7th February 2023

  • Log in to the Race to Tigerland App

  • Click on the three lines on the top left corner of the Main Menu

  • Select ‘Connect Step App' option in the Main Menu

  • You will be prompted to connect to the Step App

  • Click ‘Connect’

  • Please allow the necessary permissions when prompted

  • You can now sync and submit your steps (walking/running) using the Step App once the Race begins on 8th February 2023.

During Race – 8th February 2023 – 9th March 2023

  • Log in to the Race to Tigerland App.

  • Click on the three lined on top left corner of the Main Menu.

  • Select ‘Log Activity’ in the menu and click on ‘Today’s Activity’ or ’Missed Days’ in the drop down.

  • You will be prompted to connect to the Step App.

  • Click ‘Connect’

  • Please allow the necessary permissions when prompted.


For necessary permissions when prompted:

  • For Android: The Google ID linked to your Play Store, then ‘Allow’

  • For iOS: ‘Allow’ when prompted to allow Apple Health to connect with the ‘Step App’

The step counters on Play Store/App Store have now been triggered to operate in the background, and you have granted permission to Race to Tigerland to pull your data. To pull your steps into the Race to Tigerland App at any time, simply press the ‘Sync now’ button.

And once connected click on sync now when you want to submit the steps at the end of the day.

Disclaimer: You can only sync and submit your steps using the ‘Race to Tigerland’ App if you are using your smartphone.


4. I’m unable to connect and sync my steps on the Race to Tigerland App.

You might not have the latest version of the Race to Tigerland App installed. Please reinstall the App and try logging in again.

Please note if using Step App to sync the steps you cannot use the website to sync and submit the steps. Please use the Race to Tigerland App to sync and submit the steps.

If the problem still persists, please write to us at with the following details:

Phone model

App version (located at the bottom of the Menu)

Phone version

Please note: Some of the features of the Race to Tigerland App will not work on certain mobile devices– e.g., iPhone 5 and below, Samsung Note 2, and other older phone models.


 5. Will my daily steps be synced and submitted automatically, or do I enter the steps manually?

You will have to first connect to ‘Step App’ or sync your wearable to the Race to Tigerland Platform. Once you have connected ‘Step App’ you need to click on the ‘Sync Now’ button to directly sync your steps only once the Race begins on 11th February 2023. You cannot manually enter your step count.

6. How many steps do I need to take each day?

We recommend a minimum of 10,000 steps each day of the race. The more steps you take, the greater your chance of winning the grand prize, and the fitter you will get!

Log Activity

Please note that the Log Activity section will only be active 8th February 2023 which is Day 1 of the Race.

1. What happens when I enter my steps?

Your steps are added to your total Step Count. This is then converted to kilometres and plotted on the virtual map. You can see your position on the ‘Leader board’ where all the participants are ranked based on total distance travelled.


2. How can I view my steps?

Step count can be viewed by following the below steps.

  • Log in to the ‘Race to Tigerland’ App

  • Once you land on the dashboard, click on ‘View Steps’ on the right side

  • Your steps for that particular day will show up there

  • If you want to view your past steps, select ‘Me’ from the main menu

  • Select ‘My Profile’ from the drop down and click on ‘View Activity Breakdown’ graph

Disclaimer: The steps can be viewed only in the during race scenario which is from 8th February 2023 to 9th March 2023.


3. I’ve been sick. How will this affect the Race?

On the ‘Log Missed Days’ page (via under the ‘Log Activity’ tab on the Main Menu in the App or website) you can select the ‘I was sick’ option for that particular day. You will then be granted the event average step count for the sick day. You cannot enter more than 10 sick days during the Race.


4.If I’m unable to access the internet for a few days, will I be able to enter my steps retrospectively?

Yes, you can enter these steps by visiting the ‘Log Missed Days’ page (via the ‘Log Activity’ tab on the Main Menu in the App).


5.What should I do if I submit an incorrect step entry?

Please contact us at for further assistance.



6. When should I submit my steps?

We suggest you submit your steps at the end of each day.


7. I entered the wrong data during registration. What do I do?

Please email and we will address your query within 24-48 hours.


During Race

1.Why can’t I see the steps submitted by other participants?

You can’t view the steps submitted by other participants if they’ve set their profile status to ‘Private’.

If you wish to see your friend’s steps, they will have to change their privacy setting to ‘Public’ or ‘Limited’.

  • They can change the privacy settings by clicking on the Main Menu (via the 3 lines in the top left corner)

  • Click on the edit icon next to your name at the top

  • Scroll down to Profile Status

  • Update selection to ’Public’ or ‘Limited’


2. Can others see my performance?

This would depend on whether you’ve chosen to have a ‘Limited’, ‘Private’ or ‘Public’ profile. Even if you have a ‘Public’ profile, your detailed stats are only visible to you.


3. Can I see my performance?

Yes, you can see your stats on the ‘My Profile’ page (via the ‘Profile’ tab on the Main Menu) in the Race to Tigerland App by following the below steps.

  • Click on the three lines on the top left corner of the App to go to the Main Menu

  • Choose the ‘Profile’ option in the Main Menu

  • Under Profile tab option choose the option ‘My Profile’ and ‘Activity Breakdown Graph’ to see your performance


4. Can I see the progress of other participants?

You can track other participants on the ‘Leader board’ (via the ‘Race’ tab on the Main Menu in the App). Clicking on the participant will take you to their profile page.

  • Click on the three lines on the top left corner of the App to go to the Main Menu

  • Select the ‘Race’ tab option

  • Under the ‘Race’ tab click on Leader board option

  • Click on the participant to track their progress



5. Why is my current location displayed incorrectly on the Race map?

This is a virtual race, which means you can take part from wherever you live in Germany, USA, Czech Republic, UAE, Japan, Korea or India and engage with us online through the App. You can track your steps on the Race to Tigerland App to compete with other participants on a pre-mapped location course which is not reflective of your actual location. Remember the course is virtual, but the activity is real.


6. Does the Race to Tigerland App show the number of steps needed to get to the next stage, or the end of the Race?

No, we do not reveal the number of steps required to get to the next stage. But there is a progress bar on the ‘Stages’ page (via the ‘Race’ tab on the Main Menu) that indicates the percentage of distance covered until your next stage.


9. Some participants seem to be cheating and moving ahead on the Leader board. What is Race to Tigerland team view on that? It is demoralising for those of us who are being honest about our Step Count.

We flag Participants who are being less than honest about their activity levels. We have a Speed Check system in place that prevents people from putting in an exorbitant number of steps. Every time they do that, we flag them with a Speed Check and investigate the matter further. While we use this system to identify Participants that may be falsifying their information, we have also identified Participants who are training for marathons or triathlons and are honestly generating high activity levels.

Becoming a Participant is a choice people make to change their lives for the better. While we have contests, challenges, and healthy competition as catalysts to help everyone make this change, the benefits (better health, increased energy, higher quality of life, etc.) are for the individuals. An individual who fakes a Step Count without truly being active is only cheating themselves. All Participants who are falsifying their information and moving ahead on the Leader board will be denied the real reward of improved wellbeing by way of healthy competition with their colleagues and counterparts all over the world.

In extreme cases, Race to Tigerland team does have the right under its terms and conditions to amend step counts, and to withdraw individuals whose behaviour is not in accordance with the spirit of the event.

Let us assure you, most Participants are in the race for the right reasons and are turning their lives around. We hope you will continue to be one of them.


10.What if I am traveling during the Race and I miss logging in for a few days?

Take your device or mobile App with you and participate in the Race from wherever you are. Remember Race to Tigerland is for Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime.

You can also log your steps under ‘Log Missed days’ option in the Race to Tigerland App

Steps can be entered either by clicking a particular day by clicking on’ Log Activity’ by selecting the top three lines on the left corner for the Main Menu.

  • In the Main Menu choose the option of ‘Log Activity’

  • Under ‘Log Activity’ choose ‘Today’s Activity’ or ‘Log Missed Days’ for multiple missed days

  • You can directly sync your step count from Step App

Once you have synced or entered your steps and activity, you will need to click on ‘Submit’ on the ‘Log Activity’ page.


My Profile

1.Why can’t I enter my age while setting up my profile?

You will need to clear your cache on your phone or laptop/computer. Please follow the below steps:

  • Go to phone settings

  • Click on Race to Tigerland App

  • Click on Storage

  • Clear cache and data


2. How do I update my profile picture or avatar?

You can change your profile picture or avatar by following these steps:

  • Click on the Main Menu via the 3 lines in the top left corner

  • Click on the edit icon next to your name at the top of the Menu

  • Click on the edit icon next to your name at the top of the ‘My Profile page’

  • Click on the default/existing profile picture

  • You can choose to upload your own photo or choose from one of our avatars




1.What file formats are allowed for photos & videos?

Photos need to be in JPEG format with a maximum size of 5 MB.

Videos need to be in FLV, MOV, and MP4 format with a maximum size of 100 MB.

2. What is the ‘Community’ section in the App?

Under ‘Community’ you can find two ways to stay engaged: via the ‘Newsfeed’ or ‘Quiz’.

The ‘Newsfeed’ where you can interact with other like-minded participants by uploading your own content and/or encouraging others through comments.

The ‘Quiz’ page is where you can participate in daily quizzes. You can’t retake the quiz but the more you attempt and answer correctly, the more ‘Trophies’ you unlock.

Engagement on both pages will help you gain Step Points.

3.How does the Quizathon work?

Throughout the Race to Tigerland there will be one Quizathon daily, consisting of two quiz questions. You cannot answer the same Quizathon more than once. The more you attempt and answer correctly, the more Badges or Trophies you get, and the more Step Points you accumulate!

4.What are Groups?

Participants can create ‘Groups’ to build communities of people with similar interests. You can join other ‘Groups’ and upload blogs, videos and photos to share with a selected group of people. The creator of the ‘Group’ is allowed to delete it at any time.

5.What are Events?

Participants can create ‘Events’, which other users are allowed to attend. Those who are part of the ‘Event’ can send invites to other Participants. The creator of the ‘Event’ may delete it at any time.


1.What is Food Swap?

This feature helps you swap the unhealthy for the healthy! We encourage Participants to have a look at what they can learn by simply submitting their everyday dietary products while we ‘swap’ them for something more nutritious or healthy. It will also tell you how many steps you need to walk, in order to burn it off!


2. What is Calorie Checker?

Our new ‘Calorie Checker’ database features over 18,000 food items with over 8,000 brand name products and an array of international foods, it includes more nutrient information than other research quality food and nutrient databases. You simply type in a food choice to find its nutritional value, such as total calories, protein, carbohydrates, dietary fat, calcium and more. We arm you with the information you need to make better and healthier choices.

3. What is the Weight and BMI Tracker?

We’ve built the ‘Weight and BMI Tracker’ to help you reach your weight goals. Once you tell us your weight goal and target date, we can tell you how many steps you need to take each day to reach it. When you manually enter your weight into the Tracker, we plot your weight on a date chart and calculate your BMI for you, all in one convenient place. This makes it easier for you to keep track of your progress.


Rewards and Recognition

1.How do I win prizes?

We have gamified the Race to Tigerland platform for participants with exciting contests and challenges. These have been designed to foster engagement and fun. Participants win gratification for participating in these.

2.How is the Leader board ranked?

Leader board rankings are calculated on the basis of distance travelled. The participant that has covered the most distance will be ranked the highest.

3.What are my Achievements?

This section shows you all the Badges, Trophies and Certificates you have won. These are rewarded for being active physically and online, by engaging in the many activities throughout the Race to Tigerland Event, for reaching various milestones and for having ‘mastered’ certain activities. A detailed description of each achievement is listed in this section.


4.Can I share my Badges, Trophies and Certificates?

Yes, you can share your achievements on various social media platforms to show the world how well you’ve been doing! You will be able to share your achievements only if the social sites are not blocked on your computer/mobile server.


5.Can I download my Badges, Trophies and Certificates?

Yes, you can download and print your badges, trophies and certificates and pin them up on your noticeboard or even share on social media. You will be able to download your achievements only if the social sites are not blocked on your computer/mobile server.

6.What if I finish first?

The winner is chosen on multiple criteria, participants that are engaged during the entire race by participating in contests, challenges, submitting steps on a daily basis, daily tasks etc. The more step points you accumulate, the higher are your chances to win. The winner will be chosen from amongst the most engaged participants who will be ranked on the Step Points Leaderboard.

Rewards can be earned in simple ways:

7. How do I collect Step Points?

Every activity that the Participant participates in is worth certain points. All he/she has to do is to:

  • Keep Engaging (posting blogs, photos, videos, participate in quizzes, contests, surveys)

  • Keep Moving (entering steps for different types of activity, getting his/her step count up, updating personal health records) and

  • Keep Collaborating (comment, like, create or join groups and events)

Selected Participants who collect the highest number of Step Points will win prizes at the end of the Race.

8. How do I collect rewards during the Race?

Throughout the Race, Participants are rewarded for their levels of activity and engagement as measured by the completion of contests, interaction with the community and other health focused activities.

9. What is the Grand Prize?

1 Lucky winner stands a chance to see the Richmond FC players live in a corporate box with his friends.

Participate in Contests

1.How will I find out about all the activities and competitions that will take place during the Race to Tigerland Event?

Regular updates on activities and competitions will be posted on the Contest page. You will also receive push notifications as well as emails.

2.What are Step Points?

Throughout Race to Tigerland Event there will be various contests, challenges and activities for you to take part in on the Race to Tigerland App. You can earn Step Points for a whole range of activities such as completing your Profile, entering your Step Count, winning a Badge, Trophy or Certificate, answering quizzes, etc.

Participants should look out for ways in which to earn Step Points. Remember, there is no cap on how many points you can win!


3.Who is a Star Participant?

Star Participants are picked on a daily basis depending on whether he or she has successfully completed the Task for the day.

4.What are Contests and Challenges and what do I win?

Throughout the Race to Tigerland, exciting contests have been planned. Each one has been designed to foster engagement and fun amongst participants. Participants can earn points and stand a chance to win awesome prizes. Winners get featured in our ‘Contest Winners’ gallery.

5.Why haven’t I won the contests? Who chooses the winners for the contests?

The panel generally chooses entries that stand out in a fun, unique or quirky way, generally chooses the entries which are fun, unique or quirky. Your chances of being picked as a winner will increase if your entries fall within these criteria.

Your entry may not have been chosen now, but keep trying! There are many other prizes to be won.


For more questions please write to us at

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